What are circles?
Circles are groups of 6 to 8 people who meet every two weeks online, and discuss topics that are important to them.
In daily life, we engage in fun and light conversations. There are some topics which we would love to dive into. There are also moments when we wish to share something deep or meaningful and just be heard. The circles are confidential spaces where we can talk about topics that are harder to discuss and where we learn to actively listen to others in an open and non-judgmental way.
How does it work?
1. Fill Out the Form
Fill out the form below and let us know what topics you are interested in.
Once enough individuals sign up to talk about the same topic, you will receive an email letting you know the circle start date.
2. Join the Circle
When the first circle is schedule, you will receive an email with the zoom link to join.
Join the session
Important infomration
The circles are confidential spaces
They occur every two week
They run for 4 sessions, and then we decide together if we wish to stop or continue
Nathalie will facilitate the circles. This means she will hold the space and help guide the discussions
What is the commitment and the cost?
By joining you commit to attending four sessions. Each session is 90 minutes long. Attendance is important. The Circle will meet every 2 weeks.
The circle is a gathering of individuals. We are all active participants, sharing and expressing what is present.
The cost of the four sessions is $120 and is to be paid prior to the start of the first session.