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A 10-day yoga program in Khartoum 
February 2023

Wish to learn the alignment of the yoga poses?

Interested in learning the philosophy behind yoga? 

Want to start offering simple yoga classes in Khartoum?

Join Nathalie for 10 days of practice in Khartoum. 

Warrior Two

Learn the yoga poses

We will break down the alignmnt of the poses and practice them together.

You will understand how each pose will feel in your body. 

Image by Marvin Meyer

Hear about the philosphy of yoga

We will discuss the philosophy behind yoga. We will also discuss similarities with Sudanese culture

Teaching Yoga

Learn to teach a simple set sequence

You will learn a set sequence and will practice teaching it. Nathalie & Ali will be there to support you. 

What this program is and what it is NOT


If you would like to teach yoga, this training will give you enough information to teach a set sequence with confidence in Sudan. 


To officially teach yoga worldwide, studios ask for a 200 hour Yoga Alliance certification. This program is NOT an official yoga alliance certification. 

Dates for the training program

Start Saturday February 11th

End Monday February 20th

30 hours of training over 10 days 


During the week days (Sun to Thursday) classes will be from 5:30 - 8:00pm. On weekends sessions will be from 10-1pm and from 2-5pm. 


Pls note that the schedule may change. This is to give you and idea of timing, with classes after work on week days and on weekends.

Price of the program

There are three pricing options for the yoga program. Please select the one that best meets your financial position. 


Supporter rate


You work for a mid to large sized organization and are working in a managerial position earning in USD. You earn enough that you can pay a little more and support someone who wants to join. 


Standard rate 


This is the basic rate that helps Ali and I cover our costs. 

This rate is for you if you work for a mid to large sized organization and are earning in USD. 


Reduced rate


You are are earning a salary in SDGs.

Pls note that we can only offer 3 spaces for the reduced rate, and ask that you only request this option if you can not pay the above rates. 

The Team

Nathalie ran the first yoga teacher training program in Khartoum back in 2013. Since then they have collaborated on numerous trainings and workshops together.


Nathalie is the founder of Blue Nile Lotus. She is a Yoga and Meditation Teacher, as well as a practicing Psychotherapist. Nathalie grew up in Khartoum and returns whenever she can to reconnect with the people and the land.


Amal is an enthusiastic yoga practitioner and instructor and the main Blue Nile Lotus teacher in Khartoum. Amal has a background in anatomy and sports.  Her love of the human body makes her appreciate the vast knowledge behind the practice of yoga. 

Book your place for the 10-day yoga program

The exact address of the event will be shared in January 2023

Questions? Pls email:

Thanks for submitting!


Blue Nile Lotus 

Located in: Khartoum, Sudan & London, UK

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